get one's clothes dirty with mud 意味
- 服に泥を付けて汚す
- get get v. 得る, 獲る, 手に入れる; (人に)…してもらう, (ものを)…させる; きたす; (ある状態)になる, 達する; 利益を得る.
- clothes clothes n. pl. 衣服, 服. 【動詞+】 air clothes 衣服を外気に当てる borrow sb's
- dirty dirty adj. よごれた. 【副詞】 By the end of the day he was filthy dirty.
- mud mud n. 泥. 【動詞+】 remove mud 泥を取り除く scrape the mud off one's shoes
- one's clothes one's clothes 着衣 やくい ちゃくい
- dirty one's dress with mud 服を泥で汚す
- dirty one's clothes 垂れ流しである
- daub one's clothes with mud 服を泥で汚す
- dump one's dirty clothes in the washer 汚れた服を洗濯機{せんたくき}に放り込む
- send one's dirty clothes to the laundry 汚れた服をクリーニング店に出す
- have one's clothes spattered with mud 着物にはねを上げる
- have one's clothes splattered with mud 着物にはねを上げる
- get one's hands dirty 手を汚す、恥ずべきことをする
- dirty mud dirty mud 汚泥 おでい
- hastily strip off one's dirty clothes 汚れた服を慌てて脱ぐ